Jin Shou Tuina


The association’s primary modality is manual medicine. We call our method Jin Shou Tuina or Golden Hand Tuina, which was the name given to Hsu Hong-Chi by his patients in Taiwan due to his exceptional manual skills.

The original method taught to Vince Black by Hsu Hong-Chi was a complete set of techniques addressing the entire body, with a focus on the importance of the proper alignment of joints for the functioning of the body, both physically and energetically. This understanding went hand in hand with the study of movement through gongfu.

In addition to the manual techniques, Hsu Hong-Chi gave Vince a number of family formulas for externally applied herbs to treat trauma and instilled in him a great appreciation for the power and efficacy of this method of herbal treatment.

The Jin Shou Tuina method is taught at all association schools and is available to all members. The cornerstone of the method is a whole-body sequence with a particular focus on very specific and gentle manipulation of the joints of the spine. It is characterized by its wide breadth of techniques ranging from the very vigorous to the very gentle and energetic.

The whole body sequence is complemented by our post class sequence, passive stretching; our ”sleeping snake” technique for revival when a person has passed out from a blow, over-exertion or other reasons; and a repertoire of externally applied herbal therapies used to treat all manner of musculoskeletal injuries and imbalances. In addition to these manual therapies, Jin Shou Tuina makes use of a number of specific moxabustion and cupping techniques taught to Vince by Hsu Hong-Chi.